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Evolution of the global smoking epidemic over the past half century: strengthening the evidence base for policy action
E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis
Evolution of tobacco products: recent history and future directions
Nicotine delivery and cigarette equivalents from vaping a JUULpod
Moving targets: how the rapidly changing tobacco and nicotine landscape creates advertising and promotion policy challenges
Perceived effectiveness of objective elements of vaping prevention messages among adolescents
Understanding e-cigarette content and promotion on YouTube through machine learning
Smoking cessation: health system challenges and opportunities
Vaping on TikTok: a systematic thematic analysis
Awareness and prevalence of e-cigarette use among Chinese adults: policy implications
Early evidence of the associations between an anti-e-cigarette mass media campaign and e-cigarette knowledge and attitudes: results from a cross-sectional study of youth and young adults
Tobacco endgame intervention impacts on health gains and Maori:non-Maori health inequity: a simulation study of the Aotearoa/New Zealand Tobacco Action Plan
Bigger, stronger and cheaper: growth in e-cigarette market driven by disposable devices with more e-liquid, higher nicotine concentration and declining prices
Evaluating the impact of menthol cigarette bans on cessation and smoking behaviours in Canada: longitudinal findings from the Canadian arm of the 2016-2018 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Surveys
Effectiveness of e-cigarettes as aids for smoking cessation: evidence from the PATH Study cohort, 2017-2019
Trends in e-cigarette brands, devices and the nicotine profile of products used by youth in England, Canada and the USA: 2017-2019
Oral nicotine marketing claims in direct-mail advertising
Electronic cigarette use intensity measurement challenges and regulatory implications
Ice flavours and non-menthol synthetic cooling agents in e-cigarette products: a review
Tobacco retail licencing systems in Europe